WASP Touch provides Automated Intelligent Monitoring Software (AIMS) to guide you through set-up and daily check routines - ensures consistent trouble-free plating.
- Sample may be aspirated from beakers, bottles and tubes – providing maximum flexibility in use.
- Automatically logs date, time, deposition, user name, number of plates produced – a powerful diagnostic tool.
- Precise quantities of sanitising fluids are dispensed automatically to maintain optimum levels. This ensures effective and efficient sanitisation takes place.
- Sanitising system reservoirs contain sufficient fluid for over 900 wash cycles – perfect for busy laboratories.
- Fully integrated vacuum waste system – occupies the smallest amount of bench width.
- Optional fully comprehensive maintenance and breakdown contracts are available to prolong the life of your investment.
All this and it produces perfect plates!
- Eppendorf Tube
- Use the WASP Touch with Eppendorf Tubes. Only available with the Dilucup WASP Touch Option as this has an altered stylus that allows samples to be collected from a variety of vessels including Eppendorf tubes. An adaptor has been designed that holds both 2ml and 1.5ml Eppendorf tubes along with a further reducing piece to hold a 0.5ml Eppendorf.
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