EZ-CHROM* C. sakazakii is a chromogenic media for the detection of C. sakazakii according to the ISO/TS 22964 standard requirements. Product can be ordered as 20 prepared plates or 5L Packs (sufficient base powder & supplement to make 5 liters of Agar) of powdered media.

Coronobacter sakazakii is a gram negative, nonspore-forming bacterium belonging to the Enterobacteriacae family. It has been implicated in outbreaks causing meningitis or enteritis, especially in infants. In a few outbreaks reported 20 to 50% of the infants who contracted the disease died. For survivors, severe lasting complications can result including neurological disorders. The outcome related to adult disease seems to be significantly milder. The infant food industry should be encouraged to reduce the concentration and prevalence of E. sakazakii in both the manufacturing environment and powdered milk formula. To this end, the infant food industry should consider implementing an effective environmental monitoring program and the use of Enterobacteriacae rather than coliform testing as an indicator of hygienic control in factory production lines.
Extracts from WHO Microbial Risk Assessment Feb-2007
Samples to be tested for C. sakazakii are normally milk powder, powdered infant formula and environmental samples.
C. sakazakii will produce green to blue colonies. Other gram negative bacteria will be inhibited, or produce colorless or light purple/ translucent colonies. Gram positive bacteria will be inhibited.
*EZ-CHROM plates are a Colorex™ product, EZ-CHROM powder is a CHROMagar™ product