Campylobacter Latex Agglutination Kit

Microgen Campylobacter Latex

A latex agglutination test for the presence of Campylobacter spp on solid media or in enrichment broths. These assays are designed to provide simple, one step identification / confirmation of Camplylobacter. Immediate results detect presence of Camplyobacter, can be used in clinical, food, environmental and water testing laboratories.

Campylobacter Latex Brochure


  • Results in 2 minutes
  • Cost effective
  • High sensitivity
  • High specificity
  • Accurate & reliable results
  • User friendly procedure


Included in the kit:

  • 2.5mls Test latex
  • 2.5mls Control latex
  • 0.5ml Positive control
  • 5mls Isotonic Saline (foods) or 50mls GBS (clinical)
  • disposable reaction cards
  • disposable mixing sticks

Detects the Campylobacter genus, including these common thermophilic species:

  • C. jejuni
  • C.coli
  • C.jejuni subsp doylei
  • C.upsaliensis
  • C.laridis
  • C.fetus

Recommended media

  • Preston Broth - for enrichment from foods or feces
  • Modified CCDA Preston - plates for isolation from foods or feces

Food Method from Plates

  1. Dispense 1 drop of saline on to 2 wells of the reaction card
  2. Using a loop, take colonies of typical morphology and make a heavy suspension in each drop of saline
  3. Add 1 drop of test latex to one well and 1 drop of control latex to the other, mix using a mixing stick
  4. Rock the card gently for up to 2 minutes and then read results

Clinical Method from plates

  1. Place 50µl of Sample Diluent on to 2 wells of the reaction card
  2. Remove a typical looking colony from the plate using a loop and emulsify in Sample Diluent
  3. Add 1 drop of test latex to 1 well and 1 drop of control latex to the other, mix using a mixing stick
  4. Rock the slide for up to 2 minutes and examine for agglutination

Clinical Method from broths

  1. Place 50µl of enrichment broth on to 2 wells of the reaction card
  2. Add 50µl test latex to one of the wells and 50µl control latex to the other, mix using a mixing stick
  3. Rock the slide for up to 2 minutes and examine for agglutination

Method Direct on Feces

  1. Add 0.1g or 0.1ml fresh feces to 1ml Sample Diluent in a clean tube.
  2. Shake briefly then allow coarse particles to settle
  3. dispense 50µl of the supernatant on to 2 wells of a reaction card
  4. Add 1 drop of test latex to one well and 1 drop of control latex to the other, mix using a mixing stick
  5. Rock the slide for up to 2 minutes and examine for agglutination

Campylobacter and food poisoning

Campylobacter enteritis is a very common cause of bacterial food poisoning in the US. Most cases are sporadic and associated with the consumption of contaminated poultry. Sporadic infection has also been associated with contamination of milk by birds pecking through the tops of milk bottles. Outbreaks are usually associated with consumption of non-pasteurized milk or untreated water. The peak incidences occur during the summer, infants and young adults affected most and is more frequent in rural areas.

Latex technology:

  • Selected C.jejuni serotypes are grown up
  • Cells harvested and purified
  • Purified cell prep used to vaccinate rabbits
  • Resulting IgG is absorbed against potential cross reactors eg Citrobacter
  • Resulting antisera used to coat latex particles

Latex Agglutination Principle

  • Polyvalent antisera raised against selected C. jejuni serotypes antigens is used to coat latex particles.
  • When mixed with a suspension of Campylobacter containing these antigens, the latex particles rapidly agglutinate forming visible clumps.

Expected Results

  • Direct test of feces - Microgen's Campylobacter latex will detect Campylobacter spp in ~70% of fecal samples from acute phase disease, within the first 2-3 days post onset of symptoms
  • Testing Cultures - Microgen's Campylobacter latex will detect growth in >90% of campylobacter positive 24 hour cultures, providing the method is followed. The latex will typically detect 100% of campylobacter positive cultures sampled at 48 hours.


Campylobacter Latex Agglutination Kit

Storage: Store at 2-8°C
Shelf Life: 1 year

Detects the Campylobacter genus, including these common thermophilic species:

C. jejuni,
C.jejuni subsp doylei,